History and Foundations of Ayurveda

History and Foundations of Ayurveda

DSA 101: History and Foundations of Ayurveda __________one day/10 hours (Veda, Samkhya and Sharir) The Background and History of Ayurveda Historical and Philosophical perspectives its interesting Cosmology Samkhya and the Five Elements Three Gunas Doshas and Gunas...
Ayurvedic Anatomy & Physiology

Ayurvedic Anatomy & Physiology

DSA 102: Ayurvedic Anatomy & Physiology______________one day/10 hours (Dosha, Dhatu Mala, Vigyan) Nature of the Elements (pancha maha bhutas) Doshas (vata, pitta, kapha) Seven Dhatus and the Malas (waste materials) Sub doshas (Fifteen forms of the doshas) Ama...
Ayurvedic Psychology

Ayurvedic Psychology

DSA 103: Ayurvedic Psychology_________________________one day/10 hours (Manasa Shastra) Spiritual Components of the Mind-Body-Soul Relationship Understanding the Functions Of The Mind Bhagavad Gita and the Two aspects of the Mind Patanjali’s Yoga Darsana and the...
Ayurvedic Nutrition & Cooking

Ayurvedic Nutrition & Cooking

DSA 104: Ayurvedic Nutrition & Cooking__________________ one day/10 hours (Ahara Vigyan) What is Health Principles of Nutrition according to Ayurveda Six Tastes and Five Elements and Five Senses Principles and Practices of Ayurvedic Nutrition Dosha Diets Foods...
Constitutional Analysis

Constitutional Analysis

DSA 105: Constitutional Analysis_________________________ one day/10 hours (Prakriti-Vikriti and Agni) Determining the Dosha type and Imbalances Exploring the 7 Different Constitutions Gunas and Doshas Aggravation of Doshas Agni (Digestive fire) The Thirteen...